
Student projects during my engineering school degree#

Capture-the-flag for a software security course#

  • 🗓️ November - December 2022
  • 🖥️ Binary / Assembler
  • 🌍 Available on my GitHub
  • ⚙️ Reverse-engineering on full black-box binaries to find flags to validate challenges. In addition, there were two exploit challenge where I had to find a buffer overflow, and exploit it to validate the challenge.

Symphony orchestra simulator#

  • 🗓️ May 2022
  • 🖥️ C
  • 🌍 Available on my GitHub
  • ⚙️ Client-server software written in C to play and manage remotely sound playback. One side is connected to speaker to play the sound, and the other side acts as a console to manage the first side. Each sides communicate with other via sockets. A specific language has been developed to script operations.